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Rhode Island
United States
125G community with larger cichlids is running two Marineland 360 canisters, with inline 120w HO UV sterilizer, 300w Pro Stealth heater, 2 550 Powerheads and a sweeper. One,four outlet air pump from PETCO, with adjustable output, woks great, very quite and very cheap! The lighting is a standard shop light that I painted and hung over the tank. I put some full spectrum GLO bulbs looks great!
Natural 20G is heavily planted, withsome dwarf gouramis, blue rams, and other small tetras with driftwood and Eco-Complete substrate for planted aquariums. It's running a Bio-Wheel 200 and a 50w Pro Stealth heater. The lighting is a Coralife reflector fixture with 2 T5HO, GLO Life-Glo bulbs(they're awesome for the plants). Driftwood is still leaching a little, but I like the effect.
Read everything you can, do the research, learn everything you can about your pets. Its way cheaper to DIY, so it pays to be a little crafty. When in doubt? Do the water change...
Fish Kept:
Cichlids mainly, a few Oscars, Dempsey, and Royal Green Terror,a roughneck Parrot and a Silver Arowana. Dwarf Gouramis, German Blue Rams and some other smaller tetras. Two Mississippi Map Turtles
Quite a few different plants in my 20, never can remember all their names...
Tank Size:
125 gallons
When in doubt? Do the water change...
About Yourself:
Hobbyist for over 20 years now(sickens me to be able to say that,I'm getting old, LOL) I work in the Arts field, but I just love aquatic life and the aesthetic qualities of having a slice of natures beauty indoors.