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This picture looks better than 62.26% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.42
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.89
More Info
United States
180 gallon duel overflow reef tank, coral life LED lights, under tank sump with 2 4'' filter socks, protein skimmer, phosphate reactor,additional 305 fluval filter with UV skimmer.
hang in there!
Fish Kept:
Blue & Yellow Hippo Tang, Yellow Tang - Hawaii, Scooter Blenny, Powder Brown Tang, Naso Tang, Black Velvet Damsel, Green Reef Chromis, Clarkii Clownfish
blue xenia,Zoanthus, mushroom corals,frogspawn,devils hand leather,Evergreen Starburst Polyp - Aquacultured (Briareum sp.)Taro Tree Coral - Aquacultured (Capnella sp.)Cabbage Leather Coral (Sinularia brassica)Green Toadstool Mushroom Leather Coral (Sarcophyton sp.)
Tank Size:
180 gallons
About Yourself:
Started this tank April 2010, first tank was a 56 gallon column tank. love this hobby except for how much it cost. still plan on adding alot more corals and fish....any suggestions?