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The Average Score for this category is: 3.33
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United States
110 gallon with a 30 gallon sump/refugium, compact flourescent lighting, coralife super skimmer for 125 gallon, over 400 Ibs. of rock ( I love live rock) and 200 Ibs. of sand in tank and refugium, 3 power heads (but need to add 1 more b/c there is a dead spot in the bottom right of the tank)
Be prepared to shovel out the dough ; ) It may be more work than a freshwater tank, but it is so much more rewarding!!! And don't get lazy...do those weekly/biweekly water changes!!! It makes a huge difference!!!
Fish Kept:
3 false percula clowns, 4 orange firefish, 1 XL sailfin tang, 2 hippo tangs (one XL 8 in.), 1 foxface, 1 midas blenny, 1 domino damsel, 1 yellow damsel, 1 flame angel, 1 yellow tang, 8 blue green chromis, 2 clarkii clown (in sump refugium), 1 mandarin goby
1 tan carpet anemones, 1 green carpet anemone, 1 purple gorgonia, 1 orange sea rod
Tank Size:
110 gallons
"Carpe diem"
About Yourself:
Growing up I always had a freshwater tank and when I got into college I really looked into buying a large tank to set up as saltwater. I ended up buying my 110 gallon setup and eventually began working at the pet store to pay for my new and very expensive hobby. I even changed my major from fashion design to marine biology because I fell in love with it from the beginning. My tank is now my pride and joy and even though I'm moving in July to go to school (for marine bio.), I can't bring myself to sell it. So I'm making the move from Southern IL to Southern FL with the love of my life; ) Wish me luck!!!