Photo #4 - 55 Gallons About 7 Months Old. 5 Miscellaneou...

Submitted By: wells923 on
Photo Caption: 55 Gallons About 7 months old. 5 miscellaneous discus 12 penguin tetras 4 cardinal tetras 1 Angel fish (I relocated other angelfish to another tank, but this one always evades my attempts to net him) This tank is not against a wall. Instead it's centrally located. On ones side is a couch where I like to lounge. On the other side (rear) of the tank is where my family and I eat breakfast. Next to this tank is a small Aqueon Evolve 8. We use this for fish quarantine and to develop plants.
55 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - 55 Gallons About 7 months old. 5 miscellaneous discus 12 penguin tetras 4 cardinal tetras 1 Angel fish (I relocated other angelfish to another tank, but this one always evades my attempts to net him) This tank is not against a wall. Instead it's centrally located. On ones side is a couch where I like to lounge. On the other side (rear) of the tank is where my family and I eat breakfast. Next to this tank is a small Aqueon Evolve 8. We use this for fish quarantine and to develop plants.
fish tank picture - From the side you can see our quarantine/development tank.
fish tank picture - View from the rear. This is from the breakfast table.
freshwater fish - symphysodon sp. - snakeskin discus stocking in 55 gallons tank - 55 Gallons About 7 months old. 5 miscellaneous discus 12 penguin tetras 4 cardinal tetras 1 Angel fish (I relocated other angelfish to another tank, but this one always evades my attempts to net him) This tank is not against a wall. Instead it's centrally located. On ones side is a couch where I like to lounge. On the other side (rear) of the tank is where my family and I eat breakfast. Next to this tank is a small Aqueon Evolve 8. We use this for fish quarantine and to develop plants.
fish tank picture - 55 Gallons About 7 months old. 5 miscellaneous discus 12 penguin tetras 4 cardinal tetras 1 Angel fish (I relocated other angelfish to another tank, but this one always evades my attempts to net him) This tank is not against a wall. Instead it's centrally located. On ones side is a couch where I like to lounge. On the other side (rear) of the tank is where my family and I eat breakfast. Next to this tank is a small Aqueon Evolve 8. We use this for fish quarantine and to develop plants.

Rank Info

Ranked #797 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 89.36% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 5.72
This picture has been rated : 54 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01

More Info

Country: Saudi Arabia
Description: Fitration: Marineland bio wheel 50 and a Dophin c1400 under the cabinet. Both stocked with bioballs Lighting: Marineland 48 inch reef ready LED Seachem black substrate with some cheap gravel Aqueon circulation pump I ran for about six hours daily.
Advice: Patience.
Fish Kept: Yellow Marlboro Discus, Neon Tetra Jumbo
Corals/Plants: Crypts, Valliseria, Amazon swords, ludwigia, java fern, java moss, random plants that get brought back from India and Sri Lanka
Tank Size: 55 gallons
About Yourself: I keep fish and plants as well as corals.


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