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The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
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United States
38 Gallon 17"H X 36"L x 12.5"W All-Glass Aquarium. Hagen Glo Dual T5HO fixture with 39W 6700K Hagen Life-Glo bulbs for mid-day light. 2 T8 Hagen 2800K 20W lights for full day light. 8 blue LED's for evening moonlight effect. Marineland H.O.T. Magnum canister filter cycling 250 G.P.H. Bog Logs and Eco-Complete subsrate
Start out by saving money to buy the right equipment the first time. Don't buy anything the LFS guy tries to push on you. Do some digging on the internet before buying anything. Ask veteran aquarists questions on the forums they might have usefull information for you.
Fish Kept:
1 Koi Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare)
1 Marbel Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare)
2 Orinoco Angelfish (Pterophyllum altum)
8 Black Neon Tetras (Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi)
2 Pearl Gourami (Trichogaster leeri)
1 Schwartz's Cory Catfish (Corycloras schwartzi)
1 Clown Pleco L-104 (Panaque maccus)
2 Spotted Hillstream Catfish (Gastromyzan ctenocephalus)
5 Otocinclus Catfish (Otocinclus cocama)
2 Pangio Kuhlii Loaches
Wendtii, Bronze (Cryptocoryne wendtii )
Red Melon Sword ( Echinodorus barthii )
Brahmi ( Bacopa monnieri )
Micro Sword (Lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae)
Kyoto Grass (Ophiopogon japonica )
Banana Plant (Nymphoides aquatica)
Anubias Nana ( Barteri v. nana )
Tiger Lotus, Red (Nymphaea zenkeri)
Amazon Sword (Echinodorus bleheri)
Ozelot Sword (Echinodorus ozelot)
Waterlily (Nymphaea Lotus Green)
Onion (Crinum Thaianum)
Aponogeton (Aponogeton Ulvaceus)
Dwarf Baby Tears (Hemianthus Callitrichoides)
Aponogeton boivinianus
Raised on SeaChem Flourish Excel, Seachem Flourish Tabs, SeaChem Trace, Dual 2 Lt. DIY Co2 systems.
Tank Size:
38 gallons
Always take the local fish stores advice with a grain of salt. They will tell you anyting to sell you anything.
About Yourself:
Gave up on saltwater fish keeping way too much time, and money consumption. Went back to what I know better freshwater.