More Info
United States
75 gallon bow front.
305 fluval filter.
Full length double Nuti-grow bulbs.
LG whisper pump for double air-stones.
Mix of fine, Medium gravel and fluorite for the Plants.
VISI therm heater, set @ 78
Find a GREAT local fish store, start with the right equipment upfront, slow on the fish, keep reading books and forums, keep up the cleaning routine.
Fish Kept:
I am a bit over stocked but am getting ready to go to a 180 gallon soon, keep up with frequent water changes.
8 cardinals, 8 Rubies, 5 Boseman, 4 clown loaches, 6 giant danios, bushy nose pleco, 4 hatchets, 2 Congo tetras
4 sword, 2 Indian red swords, dwarf baby tears, ruffle plant, Myrio red, Balansae Plant
Tank Size:
75 gallons
Lord help me to be the person my dog thinks I am
About Yourself:
I am 45, with 4 kids in College. I grew up with tanks in my home as a kid. Then as a young adult had a tank until 4 babies took all my time. Now that I have tones more time, I have this 75 gallon for over 5 years. I am so thrilled as we are building in a 180 possibly a 200 gallon tank as a room divider, and will happily transfer these fish into a bigger home. I want to convert this 75 into a reef at that point :D