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This picture looks better than 25.11% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.62
This picture has been rated : 42 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
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United Kingdom
My tank is a 3ft long, 1.5ft high by 1.5ft deep. I use Triplus lighting which I find is great to help the plants grow.
Try to keep fish that get on in a community tank, Angel fish and Tetras need to be kept in shoals as otherwise they can be aggressive to other fish, tetras especially if you have long tailed varieties such as fighting fish.
Fish Kept:
Golden Gourami, Pearl Gourami, Tetras, Guppies, Golden Loach and Swordtails.
Green leafie plants
Tank Size:
20 gallons
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