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This picture looks better than 15.05% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.87
This picture has been rated : 45 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
More Info
United States
-90 Gallon All-Glass, 48x18x25
-10K Coralife, 18K Marine-Glo(actinic) lighting
-20 gal sump, with a rio 2500 pump.
- Super Skimmer 220
-Feed New-Life Spectrum Thera-A, Formula 1&2 pellets, Freeze-dried krill, frozen squid and mussels.
Read as many books as you can and study up as much as possible. A good website. Be patient and do your water changes!
Fish Kept:
90 Gal salt- Niger Trigger, Purple Tang, Miniatus Grouper, Snowflake Eel, Yellowtail Damselfish, Emperor Angel, Volitan Lionfish
20 Gal salt- Undulated Trigger, Choc Chip Star (Soon to be moved)
55 Gal Fresh- Teacup stingray, 6 tiger barbs, African knifefish, peacock eel, 2 blue gouramis, 1 flame dwarf gourami, crowntail betta, 1 pinktail chalceus
many plants, haven't started a reef tank yet.
Tank Size:
90 gallons
if it's free, it's for me
About Yourself:
I'm 19 years old, and I've been in the hobby since around 12 I'd say. I work at a local fish store in Savannah, GA called Exotic Underworlds. I like the football and a big Dallas Cowboys fan!