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This picture looks better than 83.52% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.42
This picture has been rated : 50 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
Tank details:
Size: 6 x 2 x 2 feet (182cm x 61cm x 61cm)
Volume: Approx 640 litres (169 US Gallons)
1 x AquaOne CF2200 external canister – 2200 litres p/hour
1 x Fluval 305 external canister – 1000 litres p/hour
1 x Power head
1 x High volume air pump
1 x 300w Jager heater
1 x 6 foot reflector with 2 x 3 foot Hagen Sun-Glo tubes
1 x 3 foot reflector with 1 x 3 foot Hagen Aqua-Glo tube
2mm midnight gravel
Water Parameters
Temp: 26c
Ph 8
GH 16
KH 13
NO2 0mg/l
NO3 0mg/l
Water changes: Approx 20% every 6-9 day depending on days off of work.
Good research is a must before jumping in the deep end.
Fish Kept:
1 x Sciaenochromis fryeri (Electric blue hap) Male 16 cm,
1 x Sciaenochromis fryeri (Electric blue hap) Female 12 cm,
1 x Pseudotropheus acei Male 14 cm,
1 x Maylandia lombardoi Female 8 cm,
1 x Copadichromis borleyi "Kadango" Male 8 cm,
1 x Pseudotropheus crabro Male 12 cm,
2 x Cyrtocara moorii we think 1M / 1F 4 cm,
1 x Otopharynx lithobates Male 4 cm,
1 x Melanochromis johanni Male 5 cm,
1 x Aulonocara jacobfreibergi Male 9 cm,
1 x Labidochromis hongi Male 5 cm,
1 x Nimbochromis venustus Male 5 cm,
5 x Labidochromis caeruleus 1M / 4F 6 cm,
2 x Bristlenose catfish 1M / 1F 8 cm / 6 cm,
1 x Sailfin Gibbiceps Pleco Male 9 cm,
1 x Synodontis eupterus M/F??? 12 cm,
Java Fern, Vallisneria.
Tank Size:
169 gallons
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