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This picture looks better than 28.65% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.73
This picture has been rated : 26 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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United Kingdom
Jewel Rio 240 tank with beech stand, twin aqua glo lights, internal Jewel filter upgraded from 600 lph to 1000 lph, external interpet filter.
Take your time, get your water spot on before you buy any fish, otherwise it will cost you a fortune!!
Fish Kept:
18 Mixed Chiclids, mostly Malawi, 2 Glass Catfish, 1 Figure of 8 Puffer, 2 Corys, 1 Golden Nugget Plec, 1 medium Sailfin Plec, 1 Red Whiptail Catfish
Tank Size:
64 gallons