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The Average Score for this picture is: 3.77
This picture has been rated : 13 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.43
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United States
30"W x 18"D x 24"H Marineland tank with Aqueon 75 gallon w/bio-holster on one side and 20 gallon filter on the other side. This creates an imbalanced but natural feeling flow to the water. There are a variety of multi colored plants and a 22lb shale rock. I currently have two Bamboo Shrimp, three Neon Rosy Red Barbs, one Longfin Neon Rosy Barb, one Neon gold Barb, three Kuhuli Loaches, one Gold Dojo Loach, one Pictus Catfish, one Dalmation Molly, two Silver Dollars, one Spotted African Leaf Fish, one Marci Rainbowfish, one Red belly X-Ray Tetra, two Ghost Catfish, two Rush Darters, 6 Mussels, and 3 Crawfish.
Learn as much as you can about all the different kinds of fish.
Fish Kept:
Australian Rainbow, Ghost Glass Cat, X-Ray Pristella Tetra, Silver Dollar, Dalmatian Molly, Gold Dojo Loach, Gold Barb, Pictus Cat, Rosy Barb, Leopard Ctenopoma, Kuhli Loach, Rush Darter
Banana Plant
Tank Size:
56 gallons