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This picture looks better than 70.6% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.63
This picture has been rated : 357 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.91
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United States
180 gallon, 6' by 2' by 2', soft corals and fish, 300 lbs of rock, 200 pounds of crushed shell substrate. 60 gallon sump holds about 40 gallons, 300 gallon rated skimmer, bio filtration and carbon. Very simple. I have only been in the hobby a year and a half.
bring your check book. Don't cut corners on the environment aspect and go slow. I burnt myself by going big too fast. Cost my 3x more than needed.
Fish Kept:
Harlequin Tusk, Dragon Wrasse, Yellow Wrasse, Clarkii Clownfish, Green Reef Chromis, Falco Hawkfish
A variety of leathers, mushrooms, polyps, xenias and grogonias
Tank Size:
180 gallons