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This picture looks better than 31.94% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.48
This picture has been rated : 50 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
More Info
United States
180 gallon reef tank
260 lbs of live rock
4-5" Deep sand bed
2 AquaC Pro skimmers wPhosban in each surface skimmer box
Rena XP4 canister filter running only chemipure, nothing else.
19 watt UV sterilizer
384 wallts of PC light. Half daylignt half actinic. Low light reef set up.
Many of my corals are non-photosynthetic and difficult to keep. I feed fairly heavy and do about a 40 gallon water change once every 3-4 weeks.
Do your research and have alot of patience.
Fish Kept:
Way too many. Might get rid of a few
1 Flame Angel
1 Pinktail Trigger
1 Ornate Wrasse
1 Falco Hawkfish
1 Banghai Cardinal
3 Percula Clownfish
5 Green Chromis
1 Purple Firefish
1 Serpent Sea Star
Numerous snails and hermit crabs (180+ or more)
Lobophytum (Devils hand)
Lobophytum (blue) spp.
Pavona Maldivensis
Duncanopsammia spp
Sarcophytum (Toadstool)
numerous zoanthids
2 types of Mushrooms
2 types of Rhicordai
Zenia spp.
2 types Gorgonians
Kenya Coral Tree
Orange Nepthea (doing great and growing)
Favia sp.
Candy cane (green)
Orange Star Polyps
2 Hawaiian tube worms
Tank Size:
180 gallons
I need more corals!
About Yourself:
Started with a 10 gallon fresh water tank when I was 10 years old. Did that for 2 years. Didn't get back into the hobby until 18 years later. I had one 55 gallon fresh water and another 55 gallon saltwater FOWLR. Finally upgraded to a 180 gallon tank and gave away the other tanks to my relatives.