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The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
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United Kingdom
100g 4ftx2x2 seabray tank..tunze 6100 3200 2400 gph 2 korali 3's total arond 15000 gph circulation 1 fluval 104 filled with live rock to run 30w UV sterilizer V600 skimmer 2x250w heaters 4xt5 2white 2blue actinics + 2 150w halides
spend time with your tank it will tell you when its f***ing up. Buy bigger rated equipment than you need! read... research....buy...it will save you 's
Fish Kept:
1 yellow tang 1 cleaner & adorned wrasse 2 green chromis 1 blue damsel 1 wheeler goby 1 butterfly goby 1 eibli angel 1 cream angel 1 coral beauty 2 cleaner shrimp 2 blood shrimp 1 zebra damsel 1 percula clown 2clarki's 2 domino's
shroooms,finger ,leathers ,star,pulses pearl bubble acropora x 3 still small. 1 x Large pussy love saying that lol
Tank Size:
100 gallons
dont touch the f***ing glass