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The Average Score for this category is: 2.33
More Info
New York
United States
90 Gallon with two Emperor 400s, and a sea clone protein skimmer.
I can say from some mistakes I have made. Go bigger with everthing than the size of you tank. And set up a Q-tank lost a hole tank of fish due to a puffer with ick and velvet.
Fish Kept:
Naso tang, yellow tang, two mated pair of black clowns,flame angle, fire fish and a royal gramma, 6 snails and some green crabs
will be getting new ones after the move
Tank Size:
90 gallons
I have to have it.
About Yourself:
Have always had small fresh water tanks as a kid. Started saltwater with a 20 gallon long that lasted about 2 weeks. went to a 75 that lasted about 3 months went to a 120 now have a 125 but my goal is to get a 500 or 1,000 gallon and use the 125 as a sump/ refugium when we move into our new house.