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This picture looks better than 38% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4
This picture has been rated : 11 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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1200L x 380W x 500H 200 watt aqua therm heater, dalbarb single bulb light, 1200 LPH aqua one filter
when starting a tank, be carefull to consider the species of fish you want to keep and research their natural habitat as much as possible, also research the fish you want to keep and choose compatible tank mates, plants rocks and wood. if you follow a few simple guide lines you and your fish will be much happier for it. most of all be creative and spend time planning your layout, take your time and enjoy every minute of it. good luck
Fish Kept:
Malawi Cichlids. 2 x Electric Blues, 2 x Electric Yellows, 1 x fire blue, 1 x Copper Head, 1 x Demasoni, 1 x OB Cichlid and Various Peacocks
3 x Anubias, 2 x Java Fern, 1 Large peice of wood, Bali green stones, other rock collected from Abandoned Quary, fairly fine white substrate
Tank Size:
60 gallons
races are won by rowers who refuse to be beaten
About Yourself:
my quote is from my rowing shed when i rowed at school, while it has nothing to do with fish, i feel the idea behind it can be used for most things in life including aquariums, ive always loved fish ever since my uncle took my fishing when i was about 3, when i got a bit older i convinced my parents to buy me a tank and the rest is history, ive owned African cichlids, Tropicals, gold fish and crustaceans