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This picture looks better than 49.57% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.3
This picture has been rated : 47 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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United States
55 gallon all whisper equipment including uderground filter, power head,& 120 gallon air pumps(2), Night time lighting system. cichlid comunity tank.30 gallon all whisper equipment including underground filter, hood lighting, 55gallon air pump. peaceful comunity tank.
have fun at everything you do. and set up your tank the way you want!
Fish Kept:
55 gallon: salvini,red terror, gold terror, red devil, pike cichlid,elect. blue johanni, flowerhorn, clown loach,red tail loach, pleco, jack dempsey, rainbow shark.
30 gallon: golden nugget pleco, albino redtail shark,clown loach, sumo loach, striped raphael cat, black skirt tetra(3), red danio(7), zebra danio(6) guppies(30?)elephant nose, & gold ram cichlid
plenty of fake plants, and bog wood in both tanks
Tank Size:
55 gallons
git r done
About Yourself:
got my first tank as a gift and it just got out of control from there. i have a 55 cichlid,30 community,10breeder,and i bought a 2 gallon tank for my "daughter".