Photo #1 - Tank Dimension 183 X 62 X 46. 2 X 3ft T5 Triple ...

125 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - tank dimension 183 x 62 x 46. 2 x 3ft T5 triple globe, 4 x 18000k white and 2 x 20000k actinic. 2 x 50cm moonlight. 62cm long x 50cm high x 45cm wide sump powered by a 3000lph eden pump and Resun 2800lph canister filter built in 11w UV light. 2 x Octopus NW 110-6520 protein skimmer. 300w jager heater. 6 x 3000lph circulation powerhead. 1 Bicolor Blenny 2 Cleaner Wrasse 1 Canary Wrasse 1 Solar Fairy Wrasse 1 Yellowtail Coris Wrasse 2 Pajama Cardinal 1 Royal Grammsa 2 Yellowhead Sleeper Goby 1 Marine Betta 1 Flame Hawkfish 1 Decorated Goby 1 Whitetail Pygmy Angelfish 1 Coral Beauty Angelfish 1 Blueface Angelfish 1 Flame Angel 1 Longnose Butterfly only bleached corals and 60+ kg liverock.
Submitted By: Janjan on
Photo Caption: tank dimension 183 x 62 x 46. 2 x 3ft T5 triple globe, 4 x 18000k white and 2 x 20000k actinic. 2 x 50cm moonlight. 62cm long x 50cm high x 45cm wide sump powered by a 3000lph eden pump and Resun 2800lph canister filter built in 11w UV light. 2 x Octopus NW 110-6520 protein skimmer. 300w jager heater. 6 x 3000lph circulation powerhead. 1 Bicolor Blenny 2 Cleaner Wrasse 1 Canary Wrasse 1 Solar Fairy Wrasse 1 Yellowtail Coris Wrasse 2 Pajama Cardinal 1 Royal Grammsa 2 Yellowhead Sleeper Goby 1 Marine Betta 1 Flame Hawkfish 1 Decorated Goby 1 Whitetail Pygmy Angelfish 1 Coral Beauty Angelfish 1 Blueface Angelfish 1 Flame Angel 1 Longnose Butterfly only bleached corals and 60+ kg liverock.
125 gallons reef tank (mostly live coral and fish) - tank dimension 183 x 62 x 46. 2 x 3ft T5 triple globe, 4 x 18000k white and 2 x 20000k actinic. 2 x 50cm moonlight. 62cm long x 50cm high x 45cm wide sump powered by a 3000lph eden pump and Resun 2800lph canister filter built in 11w UV light. 2 x Octopus NW 110-6520 protein skimmer. 300w jager heater. 6 x 3000lph circulation powerhead. 1 Bicolor Blenny 2 Cleaner Wrasse 1 Canary Wrasse 1 Solar Fairy Wrasse 1 Yellowtail Coris Wrasse 2 Pajama Cardinal 1 Royal Grammsa 2 Yellowhead Sleeper Goby 1 Marine Betta 1 Flame Hawkfish 1 Decorated Goby 1 Whitetail Pygmy Angelfish 1 Coral Beauty Angelfish 1 Blueface Angelfish 1 Flame Angel 1 Longnose Butterfly only bleached corals and 60+ kg liverock.

Rank Info

Ranked #1422 out of 1595 reef tanks pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 10.85% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 4.02
This picture has been rated : 175 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.91

More Info

Country: Australia
Description: tank dimension 183 x 62 x 46. 2 x 3ft T5 triple globe, 4 x 18000k white and 2 x 20000k actinic. 2 x 50cm moonlight. 62cm long x 50cm high x 45cm wide sump powered by a 3000lph eden pump and Resun 2800lph canister filter built in 11w UV light connected to a surface skimmer. 2 x Octopus NW 110-6520 protein skimmer. 300w jager heater. 2 x 1200lph powerhead. 2 x 500lph powerhead 4 x 3000lph circulation powerhead. 1 Bicolor Blenny 2 Cleaner Wrasse 1 Canary Wrasse 1 Solar Fairy Wrasse 1 Yellowtail Coris Wrasse 2 Pajama Cardinal 1 Royal Gramma 2 True Percula clownfish 1 Marine Betta 1 Klein's Butterflyfish 1 Flame Hawkfish 1 Decorated Goby 1 Whitetail Pygmy Angelfish 1 Coral Beauty Angelfish 1 Blueface Angelfish 1 Flame Angel only 60+ kg liverock or more
Advice: read books, internet info, ask questions, dont be discouraged if you screw up.
Fish Kept: 1 Bicolor Blenny 2 Cleaner Wrasse 1 Yellowtail Coris Wrasse 1 Canary Wrasse 1 Solar Fairy Wrasse 2 Pajama Cardinal 1 Royal Gramma 2 True Percula Clownfish 1 Marine Betta 1 Klein's Butterflyfish 1 Flame Hawkfish 1 Decorated Goby 1 Whitetail Pygmy Angelfish 1 Coral Beauty Angelfish 1 Blueface Angelfish 1 Flame Angelfish
Corals/Plants: 60+ kg liverock or more
Tank Size: 125 gallons
About Yourself: I started with a fighting fish... acouple small tank then a big freshwater tank... then I startd a saltwater tank.... this is my 5th tank.. i sold all the other saltwater tanks...


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