More Info
4foot display tank
3 light tubes one blue colour 2 white
800l/hour power head filter (looking to upgrade to canister filter)
300watt heater
start slow with easily kept fish gather as much information about fish and fish keeping from anyone you can and books/internet etc.
If you do this, you may have only 1-10 killed fish instead of 20+
Fish Kept:
African cichlid's, Oscars, Catfish breed, fighting fish breed, cray fish, angels, silver shark, gourami's, dwarf gourami's, neon's, patty's, sword-tails, mollies, clown loach, to many to remember
artificial plants in the cichlid tank, real in community tanks.
Tank Size:
66 gallons
About Yourself:
been keeping fresh water fish for over 8 years anything from cray fish to oscar's to community tanks.