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The Average Score for this category is: 4.23
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Red Sea Max 34G. 20% water change every 3 weeks. tank is always 27 degrees celsius, apart from nightime which drops to around 25. this tank has been running for around 10 months now, I give calcium dosages every two days and maintain buffering solutions once a week.
always be patient when dealing with saltwater fishtanks, otherwise you will pay for it.
Fish Kept:
percula clown pair, Regal tang, flame angel, pajama cardinalfish, turbo snail, blue-legged hermit crab.
frogspawn, bubble-tip anemone, flower pot, branching hammer, anchor, toadstool mushrom, bubble, lobed brain, leather finger, long-tentacled pate
Tank Size:
34 gallons
About Yourself:
I first got into this hobby by loving the colours of the marine fish, but being discouraged from different people I decided to do alot more research into the hobby and decided to start small with a Red Sea Max. and so far it has been the best hobby I have ever gotten into.