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This picture looks better than 37.76% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4
This picture has been rated : 33 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
United Kingdom
amazon tank
external filter
4 feet x 2
wood from beach washed then soaked in boiling water only use if beach is not polluted
sand and gravel mix for subscrate
made my own background used a bit of plywood glued polystrene to it then covered with brown silicone and sprinkled sand over it and put it behind tank not insdie so its easlily changed cost about 15 pound do it
what has always worked for me is to keep the tank as natural as possible and the fish will always breed and always change the water once a week
Fish Kept:
angel fish 2 pairs breeding
pair festivums
pair golden rams
keyhole cichld
red flame colombian tetras
harlequin tetras
red eyed tetras
amazon swords
Tank Size:
52 gallons
plenty more fish in the sea
About Yourself:
kept cichlids for years always been able to breed them I have had central american setup lake malawi setup now an amazon