More Info
Homemade stand and canopy including all piping and wiring all lighting on digital timers 2x150metal halides 2x40w actinics 2x40w bluespectrum pow comp mag pump 910gph G3 skimmer sqid 30 gallon sump
Dont over test or over medicate Run it the way GOD intended it to be in nature and all will be fine Good LORD willing
Fish Kept:
Marine Betta Desjardins Sailfin Mandarin goby Regal tang percula clowns red sea blennie coral banded shrimp 2x bengai cardinals sally red and blue hermits snails etc
multipe mushrooms green red fuzzies devils finger cabbage corals pagoda corals green bt anenome various polyps 90lbs liverock crocea cam
Tank Size:
120 gallons
About Yourself:
tank is 1 year old I am a refrigeration technician Bodybuilding pumps me up and the tank chills me out And JESUS Is my ROCK