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The Average Score for this category is: 2.33
More Info
Tunze Nanostream 6045 Powerhead,
Sea Clone Protein Skimmer SCPS 100 with Maxi-Jet Power Head MP 1200.
2 X Sansai Digital Timer.
Red Sea Hydrometer with digital thermometer.
Aqua One CF - 1000 Canister filter.
2 X suspendable aqua one lights, 2 X Blue spectrum UV compact fluros & 2 X white UV fluros.
Aqua One 300 watt heater.
Marine is about good water flow,
research fish before introducing - dont impulse buy & be patient.
Fish Kept:
2X Black and White False Ocellaris Clown Fish - Amphiprion ocellaris.
Flame Angelfish - Centropyge loriculus.
2 X Purple Firefish Goby - Nemateleotris decora.
Sand Sifting Star - Astropecten polycanthus.
Six Line Wrasse - Pseudocheilinus hexataenia
2 x hermit crabs
2 X green legged hermit crabs
Live rock only - some small blossoms & corals on rock
Tank Size:
55 gallons
About Yourself:
Much love to my wife for letting me buy this marine tank for our bedroom, & for allowing me to fill the rest of the house with tanks to.