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This picture looks better than 50.09% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.16
This picture has been rated : 258 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.89
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United States
I have a Stock 24gal JBJ Nano Cube 36x2 compact light. Hopes of upgrading in the near future. I added and additional maxi jet 400 to get some extra circulation.
Dont rush all you will end up is poor, with nothing to look at.
Dont use Glass cleaner with amonia.
Fish Kept:
1-Six line Wrasse, 1-Royal Gramma, 1-False Purcula, 1-African FireFish.
3 different Colonial Polyps, One Green anchor , Candy cane, Some mushrooms, Rusty Gorgonian, Taro Tree that splits like crazy, evergreen starbust polyp, Endive Hydnophora(small frag I got last week), Feather Duster, Pulsing Xenia, and some snake polyps.
Tank Size:
24 gallons
live life hard
About Yourself:
I have known the hobby ever since I was born (my father was addicted) and I started doing it my self 7 months ago at the age of 21. I am now addicted to this hobby too.