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The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
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United States
125 gallon - Glass reef tank; Coralife 4X96Watt lighting: 2-96 watt Actinic & 2-96 watt 10K compact fluorescent lamp with moonlights; 140lbs figi premium live rock w/corallene; 2-3 inch deep sand bed of Arogonite sand; Red Sea Geo Prism Protein Skimmer (250g size); (3)Koralia Magnum Pumps (2300gph); (2) Stealth Heaters (200Watts ea). Working on building a Sump/Refugium tank.
Go Slow & Steady!! Do lots of research on particular species of corals and fish you would like to keep. Nothing worse than having to bring a fish or coral back to the fish store that is not compatable to your reef system or too difficult to keep alive. Last but not least do not overload your reef tank, fish & corals do eventually get huge!!
Fish Kept:
Purple Tang (he loves taking pictures); Hippo Tang (hes a shy guy); Tomato Clown fish (he's OCD on my purple mushrooms); Goldenhead Sandsifting Gobby (he's my sandscapper); 6-line wrasse; Figi Blue-devil Damsel; Lrg. black Brittle starfish; (3) Green Bubbletip Annemones (momma, and her 2 babies); 3-4 Nassarius snails, several Cerith snails, several feather dusters, (1) coco-worm feather duster.
Purple mushrooms; Hairy mushrooms; Bulls Eye mushrooms; Pulsating xenias; Green & Pink Birdsnests; Several Zoanthids (Green, Orange, Brown & Purple), Green Cup Coral; Brown Button Polyp Coral; Green Starburst Polyps; Brown Starburst Polyps; Frogspawn Coral ; Clavularia Glove Polyps.
Tank Size:
125 gallons
About Yourself:
Been in the fish hobby for over 20+ years from freshwater - brackish - and now saltwater. Initially had a 55 gallon brackish tank converted into a saltwater tank. Recently upgraded from a 55 gallon to a 125 gallon tank. 125 tank was set up in December 2008. Decided to go ahead & become a member to this site so others can see my progress of my reef tank. Thank you for looking at my pics of my reef tank.