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The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
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New Jersey
United States
I have a 20" 10 gallon Aquarium Reflecter Incandescant Lighting hood, a 10 to 20 gallon aquarium filter, Whisper Filter, and a normal 10 gallon aquarium heater.
Always start with something easy if you rush into to it you will screw something up.
Fish Kept:
I have over the years have had 12 blue gouramis, 35 glowlight tetras, 45 neon tetras, 4 plecotomus, 18 bumble bee gobies, 13 fancy tale guppies, 12 wild caught grey guppies, and 1 rare albino chinese fired bellied toad tadpole. However the only fish i have now are 1 blue gourami, 2 glowlight tetras, 1 plecotomus, and 1 mickey mouse platy
5 amazon swords, and these weird long flowing plants ill show pics and someone tell me what they are.
Tank Size:
10 gallons