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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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United States
Its a 55 gallon planted discus tank. filtered by a eheim prof 3a canester filter, lightened by a coralife quad compact flouresant lighting ficture witch is pushing out 4.75 watts of light per gallon. lake driftwood and live plants with some floramax as the substrate. heated by a 200watt all glass heater.
watch your fish like a hawk for alittle bit everyday to catch signs of problems before they get out of hand.
Fish Kept:
1 blue diamond discus, 1 red turquoise discus, 1 yellow marlboro discus, 1 blue snakekin discus. 4 gaint danios, 4 rummy nose tetras, 8 jumbo neon tetras, 1 kissing groumie, 1 blue groumie, and last and my favorite is 1 royal green pleco
marble queen, oreintal sword, brazillian sword, anubias.
Tank Size:
55 gallons
god all you talk about is fish!!! coming from my girlfreind
About Yourself:
Im 19 and what got me into fish is my uncle. he had a 105 gallon freshwater fish take at the time but now is saltwater and it just fasinated me so when I got my graduation money from high school I spent it on getting a 55 gallon. I started out with cichlids and was successfully breeding them and then decided to make the jump to a discus tank.