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This picture looks better than 44.73% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.17
This picture has been rated : 12 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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United States
My 350 gallon freshwater cichlid tank with driftwood and coquina rocks. Play sand used (just rinse throughly), coral life lights, wet dry with a 3600 gph seaquence pump, 800 watt titanium heater
WATER CHANGES!!!!! I failed for many years and many fish lives were taken...i used chemicals and it just made it worse....if you do water changes you dont have to worry about anything! Salt helps alot in freshwater to prevent diseases.
Fish Kept:
Frontosa, Oscars, malawi, peacocks, severums, convicts, jacks, midas, ahli, labs, jacobs, venustus, convicts, nicarguan, red jewels and one fabulous Eel named Eeee-Ly
Tank Size:
350 gallons
Hmmm....if I move that and put that there and sell this.....I can fit another tank right there!
About Yourself:
Been a fishtank enthusiast for many years. Finally went from beginner tank 55 gallon to extreme 350 gallons and alot more expensive fish LOL