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This picture looks better than 85.22% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.51
This picture has been rated : 130 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 3.83
More Info
United States
Still new - running 5 Months - 150 Gallon all glass aquarium - 200 lbs sand - 250 lbs fiji liverock - 30 gallon sump - wet / dry system - 220 gallon protein skimmer - Fluval Fx5 canister modified so that it is simply a solid bed of lab grade carbon & phoslock - power compact lights ( 4 - 10,000K - 2 - 420 actinic - 2 - 460 actinic 4- LED Moonlights)
I read a book and decided to do Fish only because everything I read made coral and reef systems sound so hard and impossible - the fish only went so smooth I decided to turn it into a reef system - Im glad I did -Read but dont take it all to heart - you can ask 100 reef tank keepers the same question and get 90 different answers - You have to take it on your own and figure out what works best - there will be errors - but in the long run it will pay off - and you will fall in love with it.
Fish Kept:
(2) FoxFace - (3) Yellow Tangs - (1) Blue Hippo Tang - (2) Naso Tangs ( 1 is 13 inch Male with streamers) - (2) Tomato Clowns - (1) Vlamingi Tang - (4) cleaner Shrimp - (2) Fire Shrimp - (1) horseshoe crab - (3) Flame Scallops - and about 150 different snails and hermit crabs
Mostly Leather - Devils hand - Yellow Finger leather - Pink Finger Leather - 4 different variations of the toadstool - green flower pot - white flower pot - purple colt - white colt - maroon colt - orange sponges - cup coral - brains - cabbage coral - star polyps - zoos - (2) Bubble anenomes
Tank Size:
150 gallons
Live today - worry about tomorrow - tomorrow
About Yourself:
Needed a hobby to keep me out of trouble - this sure did the trick - Im now either working on the tank or sitting down to enjoy it - I havent had my TV on in months