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Hello I am Yasin Rajput from Quetta, Pakistan.
My First Question is that my aquarium is 82 Inch Length * 14.5 Inch Width * 24 Inch Height. Kindly tell me that how much gallon tank is this?
My Second question is that I have a pair of buttikoferi of 12 inches, two pairs of buttikoferis of 3 inches, one pair of lemon Oscar of 10 inches, 2 pairs of albino Oscars of 3 inches, one pair of albino Oscar of 4 inches, 2 pairs of tiger Oscars of 3.5 inches, one pair of tiger Oscar of 4 inches, 2 pairs of red Oscars of 4 inches, one pair of golden Oscar of 2.5 inches and one pair of golden Oscar of 2 inches, 5 Parrots not too big neither small 4 inches+, one sweeper, one up side down cat fish of about 8 inches and that’s all of my fish in the tank
All these fishes were initially very friendly with each other but now any one can find plenty of scars and damaged tails and fins of Oscars. I could not find that which fish is doing harm to Oscars or they themselves are trying to eat or to do damage with the other so what do you suggest what should I do?
Whether my fish are compatible with each other?
Waiting for your replies.
Please help me how and don’t forget to tell me the quatity of qater my tank can carru in gallons.
Thanks once again.
Yasin Rajput.
i'll give later
Fish Kept:
I have a pair of buttikoferi of 12 inches, two pairs of buttikoferis of 3 inches, one pair of lemon Oscar of 10 inches, 2 pairs of albino Oscars of 3 inches, one pair of albino Oscar of 4 inches, 2 pairs of tiger Oscars of 3.5 inches, one pair of tiger Oscar of 4 inches, 2 pairs of red Oscars of 4 inches, one pair of golden Oscar of 2.5 inches and one pair of golden Oscar of 2 inches, 5 Parrots not too big neither small 4 inches+, one sweeper, one up side down cat fish of about 8 inches and that’s all of my fish in the tank
Tank Size:
125 gallons
I am Very Bad But I feel Very Good
About Yourself:
notihing special about mysel