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This picture looks better than 61.32% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.39
This picture has been rated : 207 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.91
More Info
United Kingdom
Juwel Rekord 70
Volume: approx 70 litres 61 x 31 x 46 cm
Lighting: Arcadia Overtank Luminaire, 4 T5's (two Marine Blue Actinics and rwo Marine Whites (60cm-24in).
Juwel Filter system: Compact (internal)
300wat Heater/stat
one Koralia 3 powerhead and a Red Sea Prizm Energiser Skimmer
Sealand-Industrial:12V 9W UV Sterilizer with Powerhead
3 inch thick Live Sand Bed, 10kg Eco-Live Rock. 2kg live rock rubble in internal filter
It helps to be me a Marine Biologist that finally has time now to start this hobby properly. Study hard and gain the benefits
Fish Kept:
many before, this is a brand new tank, currently one spotted mandarin and purple firefish
Favia, Merulina, Hydnophora, Xenia, Montipora, Many Zoanthid Colour Morphs, 2 Soft Tree Corals
Tank Size:
15 gallons
That looks nice, must resist not buying it!!!Doh!
About Yourself:
A Marine and Freshwater Biologist, starting a reef tank setup, dived many sites around the world and nothing beats the real thing. But i want something here at home for everyone to see.