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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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United States
i have a 55 gallon all Glass brand tank with a cherry wood stand and canopy!!! I use a marineland 350 bio-wheel filter a marineland 250 watt heater, a penguin 750 powerhead,an aqua culture air pump, and an allGlass aquarium premium reflector single tube strip-light 48" length.
always be patient with what u buy look around for the best equipment before making ur choice! Use for all of ur fish needs including live fish and inverts and amazing prices!
Fish Kept:
i have:
1 albino cory
1 green cory
4 assorted angel fish
3 Giant Danios
4 black skirt tetras
1 yellow lab cichlid
1 snow white ahli
3 pink kissing gouramis
i just started using live plants so right now i only have 4 white ribbin plants
Tank Size:
55 gallons