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This picture looks better than 35.12% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.92
This picture has been rated : 59 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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~550liter Design fish tank panorama ,arcadia 3x40watt ;light glo,power glo, aqua glo.80 liter filter tank filled with sera biopur,biofibres,siporax.max 2000l/h power head,astra heater 300watt
160liter~100 x 40 x 40
aqua glo 36watt fluval internal filter, jäger heater 200watt,
keep it REAL !!!
internet makes everything so easy
Fish Kept:
550 l =3x morning glory,2x blue diamond,3x brilliant blue,1x white swan,2xsnake skin,1x nhamunda rose,1x pink aeneus corydoras,3x bushy nose plecostomus,1x blue gurami,
160 l =Guppies,mollies,fin mollies,bushy nose plecostomus,neon tetra,sword tail
vallisneria,natural rocks,slate,moorkien wood,pink quartzite,white marbles,dolostone
Tank Size:
150 gallons