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This picture looks better than 56.99% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.5
This picture has been rated : 12 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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some children enjoy milk but i enjoy fish and fish breeding thus i got a fishtank
when you start a new tank do stuff that makes fish live not die, occasionaly feed your children walrus jerkey aswell
Fish Kept:
3 polypterus, yellow tail spiny eel, tire track eel, fire eel, freshwater moray eel, rope fish, albino clarias catfish, royal pleco, adonis pleco, blue spotted pleco, gibbicep pleco, sailfin pleco, tiger pleco, longfin bushynose albino pleco, 2 clown loaches, redtail shark, id shark, albino id shark, african butterfly fish, 3 tiger loaches, yoyo loach, gold burmese loach, zebra loach, 2 weather loaches, 2 albino dojo loaches, kuhli loach, cory catfish, 8 roseline sharks, an assload of creekfish from my local creek, a rummynose, 7 pea puffers, red eye puffer, 2 oto cats, bala shark, 3 Chinese algae eaters, 3 crayfish, approx 500 ghost shrim
about 30 swords of assorted size shape color loads of driftwood and plants on driftwood
Tank Size:
1200 gallons
when the african quail drinks 400 ounces of ape blood 300 children eat quail and laugh at the daughter squid in every childs family
About Yourself:
im a boy/teen/man/elder that enjoys daughterquilts