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This picture looks better than 22.25% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.28
This picture has been rated : 180 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
4ft long 90 gallon tank, basic lighting. tetra tech pf 500 rated for 100 gallon tank filter and a penguin bio wheel filter rated for 75 gallon tank. submersible heater rated for 100 gallon tank.
Bigger the tank easier to manage and make sure you know what you want before you start believe me switching back and forth its a pain.
Fish Kept:
An array of Africans, 3x yellow lab, 3x bichardi, 2x auratus 1x kenyi, 2x electic blue, 1x frontosa, and 4x not sure what they are.
no plants, large piece of drift wood and a crucshed coral bottom, about 60 pounds. some lace rock, some texas holy rock, and a few dead corals, adding more soon!
Tank Size:
90 gallons
Go big or go home.
About Yourself:
been into tanks since i was a kid my father had a piranha and oscar tank when i was 5 it was 110 gallons, been into it ever since, this is my first african tank, by far my favorite so far, ive had oscars pacu barbs dempseys, big fish are a pain unless you have a huge tank.