Rank Info
This picture looks better than 45.03% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.83
This picture has been rated : 18 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
More Info
United States
penguin 350 filter, Two T5 lighting 30in 18watt 10k daylight and 18watt true Atinic 03 blue, Koralia #1 400gph powerhead, 150watt marineland heater, water kept at around 79F 20lbs Live Aragonite sand, and 19.22lbs Liverock
Alotta time and money. I'm pretty new to this hobby only in it for about 6 months, Please comment and give any advice. thanks.
Fish Kept:
Humbug Damsel, Maroon Clown, Bi-Color Angel, Watchmen Goby, Serpent Star, Brown Star, Yellow Tang, Tiger snail Conch, Purple Fire Fish(escaped from tank?), Bi-color Psuda, Peppermint shrimp, Skunk cleaner shrimp, Two Hermit crabs,
Lobophyllia Brain, Tumpet Coral, Zoanthids, Green Toadstols, blue mushroom & Polyps feather duster.
Tank Size:
29 gallons
Father & son fun!
About Yourself:
Me and my dad always wanted to do one and now were just doing the dream, were Just looking for information and ratings, The reef is still in process of being built.