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This picture looks better than 40.94% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.08
This picture has been rated : 53 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
United States
55 gallon, built into bar. 29, free standing.
Observe your fish. Don't get discouraged... it takes time to achieve peace with anything in life.
Fish Kept:
55 - 4 Silver Dollars, 3 Red Parrot cichlids, 3 Catfish, 3 Gouramis, 2 T-barb snappers, 2 Plecos, 1 Jack Dempsey cichlid, 1 Jewel cichlid, 1 Firemouth cichlid, 1 Convict cichlid, 1 Severum, 1 Red-finned Tinfoil Barb, 1 Red-finned black shark, 1 Clown Loach.
29 - 1 Tiger Oscar, 1 Albino Tiger Oscar, 1 Albino Choclate Pleco, 1 Giant Danio (grew up in the 55)
Plants and decor from Pet's Mart. Rocks from PetCo.
Tank Size:
55 gallons
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity..."
About Yourself:
2004 Graduate from Hampden-Sydney College in VA where I was a Divsion III Football All-American in 2003. Came home in '04 to work, live, and grow with FAMILY... AND to a neglected tank. In the summer of 2006, finally took the opportunity to fix the tank. My passion for creating a diverse community grew and am very happy with the world that I have been blessed enough to create.
Someone else on here said "a fish tank is better than TV, enough said,"... I agree.