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This picture looks better than 62.09% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.64
This picture has been rated : 14 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
South Africa
my the tank is 1500mm by 450mm and height is 500mm.dolphin 1300 filter pump,rockery and plastic plants,lumo plants also.
take your time,u wil learn eventually.
Fish Kept:
2 silver dollar,2 decons yellow and green,jack demsey,fire mouth,fontosa 2,green terror,covict,2 talking cat fish,crayfish,pleco,3 parrot fish,african jewel,salvinni,one polleni and a flowerhorn,red devil and also a dovi added.The flowerhorn is the boss
plastic plants,lumo also.rock works
Tank Size:
90 gallons
Dont but fish in if you know the other one bites.
About Yourself:
fish keep has become a obsession as a hobby,but it has become a profession.