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The Average Score for this category is: 4.91
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United States
20 gls 24.Lx12.Wx16.H 6mths old 40lbs live sand 25lbs live rock 1penguin 100 bio-wheel power filter 1pen-plax with bio rings only 1 16in 15watt fluorescent and 1 18in 10watt fluorescent an air pump with 6in air stone . 300 watt heater
spend the money buy good live rocks you get what you pay for
Fish Kept:
2 green chromis. 1 fire fish-goby. 1 scooter bleny. 1peppermint shrimp. 1clown goby-yellow and some snails
red sea kelp. red ball sponge .pink brain coral came on live rock looks good .2green-feather duster yellow feather duster. orange duster-cluster more on rocks dont now the names
Tank Size:
20 gallons
buy it on credit card now bank-rupt later.
About Yourself:
my dad got me hooked when I was 8 yrs old he would be impressed today salt has came along way