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This picture looks better than 63.45% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.46
This picture has been rated : 353 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.89
More Info
United States
55 gallon Mixed Reef tank
If you dont have the money or time to throw at it, don't do it! Reefkeeping is a lifestyle.
Fish Kept:
A couple Green Chromis, Psychedelic mandarin, yellow watchman goby, white tail pygmy angel, Royal Gramma, 2 False Percs, strawberry pseudochromis, lawn mower blenny
Favites Brain, Trachyphylia, Green Pearl Bubble, torch, branching hammer, anchor coral, sinularia, hydnophora, montipora, branching gonipora, 2 g. stokesi, 1 purple goniopora tenuidens, christmas tree coral, long tentacle plate, sun corals, all kinds of star polyps, candy coral, chili sponge coral, tongue coral, metallic green pipe organ, larger type pipe organ, elegance coral, orange tree sponge, various mushrooms, rics, polyps, zoos, derasa clam, crocea clam, red gorgonian with yellow poyps, purple whip gorgonian, 2 bubble tip anemones. Lots of inverts
Tank Size:
55 gallons
Reefkeeping aint easy!