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The Average Score for this category is: 2.33
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United States
30 gl freshwater Eclipse system 2. Driftwood and lace rock with artificial plants. 2 Rosey Barbs and 4 Rainbows. AND.... we just got our 30gl saltwater tank decorated with live rock and some artificial plants. It has a Penguin Biowheel filter and one floureschent bulb. Blue tang, Yellow Tang, 2 clownfishes, and one Green Chromis. Like to keep it simple!!!!!
patience!!!!! take your time and learn about the fish and the best environment for them.
Fish Kept:
2 Rosey Barbs (Timmy & Tommy), 4 Rainbows (Great Hambino, Squints, Smalls, and Lucky)., 2 dwarf gouramis. In saltwater tank we got blue and yellow tang, clownfish, and chromis.
Driftwood and Lace rock for our freshwater. Live rock and artificial plants in saltwater.
Tank Size:
30 gallons
Ah to be a fish!!!
About Yourself:
One of my friends was getting rid of her saltwater fish tank and i thought it would be nice for my child so I took it and now I am hooked. I now have a freshwater and saltwater fish tank. One more to be set up, maybe live plants or reef tank, not sure yet...