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This picture looks better than 19.4% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.43
This picture has been rated : 30 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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United States
right now my goldfish tank is a temporary 30 gallon, i will be getting them a 75 gallon soon. large river rocks a few fake plants, (i would like to fill the tank with anarchis once i get the big tank) and half a large acrylic sunken ship.
research before you buy, and make sure of compatibility, possibly with people that have tried it before
Fish Kept:
Goldfish (fancy and common), a butterfly koi (they are usually incompatible with fancy goldfish, but has not caused problems yet), a weather or dojo loach, and a medium plecostomus (i am aware that they are usually incompatible with goldfish, but i have never had problems with it.)
my tropical fish tank has some plants i got from my sister, i dont know exactly what they are. the tropical tank is because of an angry sengel bichir that didn't get along with any other fish i had at the time (although i had kept one peacfully before), he now lives happily with two bolivian rams, a rainbow shark, a large chinese algae eater, and a lot of trapdoor snails.
Tank Size:
30 gallons
About Yourself:
people always want to know why i love goldfish so much when they are the dirtiest and the most incompatible, etc. but no matter what they always make me smile when i want to cry.