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This picture looks better than 48.68% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.27
This picture has been rated : 22 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
More Info
Filtration: Rena Filstar XP1 running on Eheim's Efhi-Substrat or Rena's Bio-Chem Stars
(No chemical filtration)
50W Thermostat, 5W Air-pump
Lightning: 2x25W (Daylight+Grolux Red)
Decor: Medium-sized gravel substrate, Lava Rocks, Driftwood, Artificial Plants
There is ONLY 1 way to success: AMMONIA CYCLING
Fish Kept:
1 Glyptopericthys Joselimaianus (Leopard Pleco)
4 Thoricthys Meeki (Firemouth)
No Corals or Live Plants
Tank Size:
36 gallons
About Yourself:
Physics major. I got into fishkeeping in 1994 with my first Shubunkin, kept in a fishbowl.
After a year i got a plexiglas aquarium (no filtration) and within days i decided to go in for a bigger plexiglas with filtration, aeration and heating.
Within a year i had upgraded to a 15-gallon glass tank, loaded with fancy goldfish (Orandas and Bubble-eyes).
I then swithced to Anabantidae. I succesfully kept Dwarf and Pearl Gouramis (Colisa Lalia and Trichogaster Leeri) for years.
In 2005 i got my present tank and have switched to keeping new-world cichlids exclusively ever since.