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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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North Carolina
United States
Marineland 58 gallon aquarium. Two marineland eclipse filters. Over filtration necessary as cichlid tank needs to be overstocked. Marineland heater. Black Cichlid sand gravel to maintain ph and bring out the colors. White coral stones to provide hiding places for cichlids and maintain ph. Petsmart plastic lava rock formation mounted one on top of another to provide hiding places for cichlids. Petsmart bonsai tree and seagrass for aesthetics. Petsmart giant floating plants to hide the filters.
Do fishless cycling. It takes patience but it is worth it especially while doing a cichlid tank as with cichlids several new ones should be introduced at the same time. My tank took a month to cycle. I used ammonia bought at ace hardware. I stocked 8 fish in the first week, 8 fish in the second week and 12 in the third in the following order of least agression. Rusty, electric yellow, red blotch, johanii, red zebra, white zebra, auratus, demonsani
Fish Kept:
4 Rusty, 4 electric yellow, 4 red blotch, 4 johanii, 3 red zebra, 3 white zebra, 3 auratus, 3 demonsani
Artificial plants. Petsmart has a good collection.
Tank Size:
58 gallons