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This picture looks better than 99.32% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 7.24
This picture has been rated : 25 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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New Zealand
150x60x50cm 10mm glass tank 1 x Fluval 404 Canister Filter, 1 x Eheim Classic 2217 Undergravel heating cable, Aquaone MG1000 Metal Halide and Pl Fluorescent light on for 10 hours per day.
Add your fish slowly and research their temperament and water requirements before purchase. Perform regular water changes.
Fish Kept:
8 x Discus, 15 x Rummy Nose Tetras, 10 x Cardinal Tetras, 3 x Black Line Flying Foxes, 2 x Bristlenose, 10x Corydoras Trilineatus
Echinodorus Osiris, Ambulia, Java Fern, Dwarf Sag, Echinodorus Amazonicus, Rotala Macranda, Rotala Rotundifolia, Stargrass, Red Pine Tree, Ludwigia Repens, Cryptocornes, Tiger Lotus, Red Lotus
Tank Size:
100 gallons