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This picture looks better than 25.93% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.65
This picture has been rated : 31 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
Multiple tanks keeping Hump Heads, Shell Squaters, Discus, Krebs, Parrots(Nicaragua Chichlid), Bristle Nose and clown loaches. All Fish are/have Breed except for Discus and loaches
Change your water. research your fish, buy fish books.
Fish Kept:
Hump Heads (4), Shell Squaters (30+), Discus(2), Krebs(20+), Nicaragua Parrots(2), Bristle Nose(200+), clown loaches(3), snails(lots), Killi fish (4), upsidedown catfish(1)
Have in the past kept Forset Jewels, Rams, Crimsons Tide and Flame Backs.
Anything that grows well in +25 degree temps.
Tank Size:
400 gallons
About Yourself:
Started off keeping native australian fish (Rainbows, Jungle Perch, Barra etc) caught in local creeks.
I am a systems engineer for a ISP.