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This picture looks better than 15.55% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.23
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.89
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United States
A marine depot tank fresh water that was customed into an salt water reef tank. I use a 72" lighting itinics, with 3 metal halide lighting. I have a refusium in the bottom along with a protein skimmer and calcium liquid added daily. All lights are on a timer and on for 12 hours a day.
Don't freak out when things start dying. Takes a while before establishing a well maintained habitat. Also water changes are the best thing you can do for your tank.
Fish Kept:
Saifin tang, blonde naso tang, hippo tang, gold marron stripped clown
leather coral, few torch corals, hard corals, 120lbs of live rock, 80lbs live sand, clean up crew, and an anemene, hammer coral, 2 clams, fox coral.
Tank Size:
125 gallons
gone fishin
About Yourself:
Work full time and I find salt water fish tanks rather very expensive.