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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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United Kingdom
My tank is a Jewel Rio 180 which measures 40 inches long, 16 inches wide and 20 inches in height. it has a built in filtration system which i have found to be the best system developed. I have also put a long air stone at the back of the tank for oxyegenating the water. Im using the standard lighting plus 3 colour spotlamps to shine through the bubbles.
Be patient and let your water develop bacteria before introducing fish. Airation of the water is a must so purchase a pump and some sort of stone or ornament that blows air into the tank
Fish Kept:
Pearl Danios, Silver Sharks, Siamese Fighter 1 male 1 female, Angel fish, Red Eye Tetra's, Cardinal Tetra's, Neon Tetra's, Clown Loach, Pleco, Catfish.
Some Fresh plants, Some Plastic Plants
Tank Size:
46 gallons