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The Average Score for this category is: 4.89
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United States
I have an all aquarium glass 75gallon with over flow, 48" long. Orbit 48" Dual attinic, power compact florescent 24hr cycle. Coral Life Super Skimmer 125gal ph, 200gph magnaflow sump, 950gph mag-drive pump. I have 2 JBJ 400gal ph power heads.
Time is of the essece, the more patient you are, the more successful your reef will become. Have a plan and research as much as you can.
Fish Kept:
2. ocellaris clowns
1. Purple Swedo
1.Yellow Tang
1.Flame Angel
1.Chamillion Wrasse (actually changes colors)
1.fire shrimp
The only ones that I have at the time are,
Acropora Corals 3 off them to be exact.
My tank has only been up for 6 months so im taking my time with it. I will be adding alot more in due time
Tank Size:
75 gallons
And let there be light
About Yourself:
Im 23 yrs old and Im an electrician, I have always loved the ocean. I scuba dive every year as much as I can, That is where my inspiration came from. The ocean is such a peacefull place and hounestly its like your own paradise.