Photo #5 - Great Buddies Grooper,snowflake Eel

saltwater fish - echidna nebulosa - snowflake eel stocking in 90 gallons tank - Great buddies Grooper,Snowflake EEL
Submitted By: nylo on
Photo Caption: Great buddies Grooper,Snowflake EEL
saltwater fish - balistoides conspicillum - clown triggerfish stocking in 90 gallons tank - And they have a new buddie
saltwater fish - echidna nebulosa - snowflake eel stocking in 90 gallons tank - The Eel is bigger too
saltwater fish - achoerodus viridis - eastern blue groper stocking in 90 gallons tank - My groupper has gotten bigger
90 gallons saltwater fish tank (mostly fish, little/no live coral) - Upgraded to A 90 Gallon Tank 120 pounds of live rock 30 gallon sump. Little giant return pump. 80 pounds of live sand.
saltwater fish - echidna nebulosa - snowflake eel stocking in 90 gallons tank - Great buddies Grooper,Snowflake EEL
saltwater fish - rhinecanthus verrucosus - bursa triggerfish stocking in 90 gallons tank - Trigger
freshwater fish - cichlasoma sp. - flower horn cichlid stocking in 90 gallons tank - Buddies(Room Mates Since First day) Came out same tank in the pet Shop. Using them for the cycle.Falling in love with them will hate to get ride of them after they done there work! But they too mean.
saltwater fish - echidna nebulosa - snowflake eel stocking in 90 gallons tank - My Cycle EEL Came out same tank in the pet Shop. Using them for the cycle.Falling in love with them will hate to get ride of them after they done there work! But they too mean.
saltwater fish - achoerodus viridis - eastern blue groper stocking in 90 gallons tank - Grooper( AKA MR Mean)Came out same tank in the pet Shop. Using them for the cycle. They are hardey Falling in love with them will hate to get ride of them after they done there work! But they too mean.Going to keep them they in there own Tank(World) now lol

Rank Info

Ranked #1397 out of 1581 saltwater fish pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 11.64% of pictures in this category
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This picture has been rated : 44 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.47

More Info

State: New York
Country: United States
Description: Starting a new setup was a fresh water. But I like the way saltwater tanks looks. So starting one of .Started Sept 11,2006 I got my first fish in the tank. 9/16/06 Upgraded to A 90 Gallon Tank .120 pounds of live rock 30 gallon sump. Little giant return pump. 80 pounds of live sand.
Advice: Im new my self so Im learing. If anyone wants to give me some pointers Im all ears. Thanks for all the help! Nothing is hard to do ,If it was you wouldn't see anyone with a saltwater tanks. "JUST DO IT"
Fish Kept: In my 90 gallon 3 Yellow Tail Damsels 2 Fox Face In my 30 Gallon 1 outy grooper 1 snowflake eel 1ClownTrigger
Corals/Plants: In my 90 gallon 80 Pounds Live Sand caulerpa,Grapes In my 30 gallon 50 pounds of crush corel.
Tank Size: 90 gallons
Quote: Lock It Down! JUST DO IT! Two peas in a bucket
About Yourself: I love doing what others say is too hard .Because is all about learning.


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